Vilnius Higher Radio Electronics Command School PVO (VVKURE PVO)

Вильнюсское высшее командное училище радиоэлектроники противовоздушной обороны (ВВКУРЭ ПВО)

Military Unit: 00000

Activated 2.3.53 in Vilnius, Lithuanian SSR, as the Vilnius Radio-Technical School PVO (VRTU PVO).

1.9.71 renamed Vilnius Higher Radio Electronic Command School PVO (VVKURE PVO).

7.92 renamed St. Petersburg Higher Radio Electronic Command School PVO (LVKURE PVO).

1.11.98 became a branch of the Military University PVO.

1.1.2005 renamed Higher Military School of Electronics.

1.3.2010 became a branch of the Military Education Center VVS.

