2nd Administration

2-е Управление

Military Unit: 00000

Activated 4.60 in Priozersk, Zhambul Oblast.

Main function was testing surface-to-air missiles - missiles tested were the Dal, S-75, S-200, S-200D and S-300.

The Dal, S-75 and S-200 were tested from Site 35 (US designation: Launch Complex A (photo, map) - the two Dal pads 1969 became part of Launch Complex F).

Dal (5V11) (NATO: SA-5 Griffon) was tested from mid-1959 to 12.62.

S-75 (NATO: SA-2 Guideline) was tested 1961 to 1975 - various modifications.

S-200 (NATO: SA-5 Gammon) was tested 3.61 to 4.66, while the S-200D was tested 8.86 to 4.87 (official tests) - various modifications tested 1961-1990

Site 35 support facilities:

S-300 (NATO: SA-10 Grumble) was tested at Site 72 - official tests 27.12.77 to 31.3.79 (prototypes were already at the test range in 1973) - various modifications tested to the 1990's.

Site 71 (45 52 26N, 73 35 59E) was equipped with S-300 associated long-range radars, incl. Tin Shield, while Site 38 (45 48 07N, 73 34 37E) is HQ for the S-300 tests.