392nd Guards Karpatskiy order of Suvorov Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment

392-й гвардейский зенитный ракетный Карпатский ордена Суворова полк

Military Unit: 83216

Activated 1.7.61 in Uman, Cherkassy Oblast, from the 113th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment.


1.10.72 an independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Group with 3 launch S-200 (SA-5) battalions were added to the regiment:

Reduced from six to four S-75 (SA-2) battalions before 1969.

1988 one S-200 (SA-5) battalion was disbanded.

1991 with 2 S-200 (SA-5) and 4 S-75 (SA-2) battalions.

1.92 taken over by Ukraine - disbanded 1994.

