Sources (SV)


"Советская армия в годы холодной войны [1945-1991] by V.I. Feskov, K.A. Kalashnikov and V.I. Golikov, Tomsk 2004, 246 pages. Soviet Army during the cold war 1945-1992. Largely surpassed by the volume by Feskov listed below.

"Вооруженные Силы СССР после Второй мировой войны: от Красной Армии к Советской (часть 1: Сухопутные войска)" by V.I. Feskov, V.I. Golikov, K.A. Kalashnikov and S.A. Slugin, Tomsk 2014, 640 pages. The Armed Forces of the USSR after World War II, from the Red Army to the Soviet (Part 1: Land Forces). Excellent book by Vitaliy Feskov, but not the last book on the subject, as there are still large gaps due to the Russian archives being closed.

"Красная Армия в победах и поражениях 1941-1945 г.г." by V.I. Feskov, K.A. Kalashnikov and V.I. Golikov, Tomsk 2002, 620 pages. The Red Army in the victories and defeats of 1941-1945. Excellent book on the Red Army during WW2, with details on all units which was part of the Red Army.

"Советские Сухопутные войска в последний год Союза ССР" by A.G. Lenskiy and M.M. Tsybin, Sankt Petersburg 2001, 294 pages. Soviet ground forces in the last year of the USSR. Soviet order of battle 19.11.90, based on the CFE treaty data exchange.

"Армия отечества: начало XXI века, часть 1-2"  by A.G. Lenskiy and M.M. Tsybin, Sankt Petersburg 2005 & 2007, 198 + 170 pages. Army of the fatherland - the beginning of the 21st century, part 1-2. Russian order of battle 1.1.2000, based on the CFE treaty data exhange.

"Сухопутні війська України: Історія та символіка 13-го армійського корпусу" by M.V. Slobodyanyuk, Ukraine 2012, 298 pages. Ukrainian Land Forces: 13th Army Corps, its History and Symbols. History of the 13th Combined Arms Army and it's successor the 13th Army Corps.

"Сухопутні війська України: Історія та символіка 8-го армійського корпусу" by M.V. Slobodyanyuk, Ukraine 2011, 211 pages. Ukrainian Land Forces: 8th Army Corps, its History and Symbols. History of the 8th Tank Army and it's successor the 8th Army Corps.

"Танковый меч страны Советов" by I.G. Drogovoz, Moscow 2001, 482 pages. Tank - Land Sword of the Soviets.

Office of Soviet Analysis "Selected Data on Soviet and Non-Soviet Warsaw Pact Ground Forces Maneuver Divisions in the Atlantic-to-Urals Zone", 2 October 1986.

DIA IAPPR 102-83 "Warsaw Pact: Division Categorization (U)", 6 September 1983.

DIA DDB-1100-590-87 "Soviet Army-level Special Purpose Companies (U)", May 1987.

NPIC IAR-0003-84 "Soviet Divisional Materiel Support Battalions (S)", March 1984.

NPIC PIR-060-79 "Soviet Construction Battalions (S), July 1979.

Dutch Ministry of Defence "Warschaupakt Landstrijdkrachten - Sovjet-Unie, deel 1 - 3", 1979.

Extensive correspondence with Vitaliy Feskov and Siegmar Frenzel.






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