123rd Guards Dukhovshchinsko-Khinganskaya Red Banner orders of the October Revolution and Suvorov Motorised Rifle Division

123-я гвардейская мотострелковая Духовщинско-Хинганская Краснознамённая орденов Октябрьской Революции и Суворова дивизия

Military Unit: 24776

Activated 17.5.57 in Barabash, Primorskiy Kray, as the 123rd Guards Motorised Rifle Division, from the 17th Guards Rifle Division.

Organisation 1960:

19.2.62 re-organised:

In 5.62 the 111th independent Tank Battalion was activated.

22.2.68 awarded the order of the October Revolution.

In 1968 the 16th independent Guards Sapper Battalion was renamed 16th independent Guards Engineer-Sapper Battalion.

Organisation 1970:

15.11.72 re-organised:

In 1980 the 000 independent Motor Transport Battalion was renamed 1135th independent Material Supply Battalion.

Organisation 1980:

Organisation 1988:

In 1989 the 111th independent Tank Battalion was disbanded.

1.10.89 renamed 129th Guards Machine-Gun Artillery Division:

In 10.90 the 48th Guards Motorised Rifle Regiment and the 1133rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment was transferred to the 40th Motorised Rifle Division for Coastal Defence, and was replaced by the 231st Motorised Rifle Regiment and the 1173rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, from the same division.

9.2001 renamed 17th Guards Motorised Rifle Division.

6.2009 renamed 70th independent Guards Motorised Rifle Brigade.



Divisional coordinates:

The division was maintained as a Ready Division - Reduced Strength II (US terms: Category II) - one regiment was maintained at full strength.