26th Sivashko-Shtettinskaya twice Red Banner order of Suvorov Artillery Division

26-я артиллерийская Сивашко-Штеттинская дважды Краснознамённая ордена Суворова дивизия

Military Unit: 43160

Activated 19.4.56 in Kovel, Volynskaya Oblast, from the 305th Cannon Artillery Brigade.

Organisation 1957:

In 1961 the 130th Cannon Artillery Brigade was renamed 900th Heavy Cannon Artillery Regiment, and the 13th Guards Reactive Artillery Brigade was rernamed 904th Guards Reactive Artillery Regiment.

Organisation 1970:

Organisation 1975:

In 1976 the 911th Anti-Tank Artillery Regiment was activated.

1978: 2 regiments with 152mm ML-20, 2 regiments with 130mm M-46, 1 regiment with BM-21 and 1 regiment with 100mm T-12

Organisation 1980:

Organisation 1988:

1.12.89 the 904th Guards Reactive Artillery Regiment was renamed 337th Guards Reactive Artillery Brigade, and the 895th Cannon Artillery Regiment was renamed 3000th Equipment Storage Base.

In 1.92 taken over by Ukraine.



Equipment 19.11.90 (CFE treaty holdings):

Divisional coordinates: